Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I'm Prima's latest Guest Designer !! Blog Candy to celebrate more Primas !

Just leave a comment to be entered into a draw to win this little Prima sampler to jumpstart your Prima stash to or simply grow that stash ! lol

included in this sampler : Primas from 5 of the new products that I received yesterday including Prima Sprites , older products include the Memory Trend released Country Cuties & Got Impressions ( matches BG Lily Kate pp )

5 different products in this random sample mix

I will let this run for about 3-4 days for starters ?

EDITED on : MAR 23

I'm Prima's latest Guest Designer
on their blog !
kept this under wraps since mid Feb ! lol
To celebrate further
I will add on to the above Prima sampler
a mystery variety package
of designer embellishments
-do let me know if you have any favourite brands in your comment here ;-)


updated this layout( based on a March DT sketch challenge over at JADS ) with the new Prima Sprites & crystals !

Do you have any project ideas for me with my new Prima goodies ?

I'd love to hear your thoughts !
edited : Mar 23 : wow a wealth of ideas here so far ! loving them all !

Smiles, Pearl


Susan Hurley-Luke said...

How about:
* decorating a container for Easter egg goodies?
* Or making some ATCs?
* Or dressing up a folder you want for a special purpose?
* Or making some cute magnets?

Wendy - Anntaurus said...

Pearl - you little tease - that looks scrummy!!

You could make some lovely little boxes or a stationery gift set or just about anything would look fab with those jewels!!

Paula J Atkinson said...

You could make a minibook of colours using flowers to decorate each page in the relevant colour along with co-ordinating ribbons & your favourite quotes.
I fancy making a Seasons Minibook eventually. Just done one for my mum & need to get the photos edited!!!!

*Beatriz Jennings* said...

congrats Pearl they are so beautiful!!

Bety :)

Unknown said...

I love your LO! I love how you used those sprites!! Adorable!

They would look great on altered items or some really cute spring themed cards.


Sarah said...

They would look great on Easter goodies, cards, boxes containing mini Easter eggsor a lovely mini book or album.
The spotty ones are adorable.

Anonymous said...

They'll look great on cards or layouts for summer. So pretty!

saffiertje said...

That Lo is fab!!!! Great flowers yo have and such a nice colors...
I would make a photo frame Lo and decorate the frame and the Lo with them.
You also could use them for a canvas good on it...

Good luck and until next blog time!

artfulstampin said...

That layout is beautiul, so jam packed with texture and loveliness!

I'd like to make an alterd mirror for a ladies bedroom, with primas all round the frame.

Anonymous said...

So cute, Pearl! I love the embossed and polka dot ones. Congrats again!

Anonymous said...

HI Pearl,
Thanks so much for putting up your sampler pack.
Congrats on your publication with Prima.
Your work is fantastic and certainly an inspiration to all!

Nura Keif said...

You can use them on altered frame, on cards/tags, mini album, canvases, wooden stuffs, lunch boxes/tins, or even layouts to create circles, hearts etc.
Creative imaginations bare elements, 7 Gypsies stuffs and Making memories chipboard shapes are cool to altered. Can't wait to see what you comes up with!!;-D

Esther said...

Ooo allsorts... erm I could use them to complete my altered puzzle project! thanks for letting me know!

Anonymous said...

Howdy Pearl!
What a bunch of yummy primas girl!!
Congrat's with your art being published by PRIMA! You go girl!!

Kathy said...

oooh aren't they lovely!

If I were you, I would put them all on a shelf - like mine (pic on the blog.....)for instance just to admire them for a week or too then, and only then I'd think about using them on cards, LOs, an album cover - or how about a jar like the one I did for my niece?

Kathy said...

But, whatever you do - don't rush into anything, savour the moment!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on being published :) As for using your primas... ooooh on everything ...
Make some mini handbags and decorate with your primas, or use them on ..... curtains, quiltcovers, lampshades, stick em on your shoes and in your hair... decorate your walls, notebooks and anything else you can stick or sew a flower on..... and then if you've got any left... do cards :)
but will you REALLY want to use them lol

Spot-On said...

ooooh love the polka dot ones! Have to go get some of those babies! Great layout, fun colors. Strangely enough the exact colors I've been working with recently! Too funny!

Anonymous said...

ohhh Primas!!! Those are awesome looking! What could I do with them??? I would love to do a layout about me for a change. Most of my supplies are geared towards boys (I have four!). You have me drooling here.. and cards.. ahhh some wonderful spring cards too!

Di said...

Hi Pearl

Thanks for the comments on my heroes card. I'm here to have a go at your blog candy draw. I have never used flowers except when via rubber stamps but all the blogs I look at seem to use them and I like what you all do with them - they look so good So I'd really like to try them and am hoping my name comes out of the hat.


Anonymous said...

Hi Pearl, your layouts is simply gorgeous, love it, love the colours the dimension everything.

I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Best Wishes

Em said...

Love your LO - the colours are fab!

If I were you, I'd just stroke them, put them away, stroke them, put them!

Em (UK)

Anonymous said...

Love your layout. And look at all those goodies. Yum!!!

Rachel said...

oooOOooo Pearl your always getting scrummy stuff, Im no envious. Yah I know what you can do with it all - post it to me ~wink~ xxxx

Rachel said...

ooHHppps should be so envious not no ~blush~ xx

Gillian said...

awww...they are so lovely Pearl,
hows about using them to make cool hair pretties for little girls... you know on clips..with bits of ribbon sticking out and beads threaded and hanging too... I reckon you'd be amazing at this sort of stuff.. :o)

Rhi said...

Congratulations Pearl, it must have been so hard keeping that a secret for over a month. Really well deserved.

I think you have some pretty brilliant ways of using prima's already on your blog, really inspiring :D

Rhi x

Jo said...

wow huge congrats, that is so fab, you so deserve it, all your work is always fantabulous, well done you :) I am sure that you will come up with lots of things to make with them :)

jo xx

Allison Rankin said...

These ideas are so wonderful...I agree with some of the posters...I would just hoard them!, cards, cards! (Since I can't add anything to the great list you have here already!)

Anonymous said...

Wow! How fun - Congratulations! Well - I actually have never used a prima yet. Please nobody faint.I love reading all these ideas.

Nancy said...

Congratulations on your guest designer status! How wonderful!

You could just give me ALL of the Prima's you've gotten and let me play with them... then you don't have to do a thing


Me said...

Primas! Wow! I was looking into buying my first bottle yesterday...except i had a crazy stupid moment and left my wallet at work!!! Now I don't know if that was a freudian slip or not!!

Anyway congratulations on becoming a designer! Flipping through your site, I can understand why.


Anonymous said...

Wow, wow, wow! So yummy! Thank you for sharing!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW,,. it looks like a flower garden,, (ok,maybe from alice in wonderland but a garden just the same)
Thanks for such a great offer and congratulations!

Mrs. Nancy G said...

Yes Primas can go on just about anything. I've added them to cards. How about trying some on a name plate? We have a new baby girl and I think I'll have to give it a try with her name.
~Nancy Grant

Mrs. Nancy G said...

Yes Primas can go on just about anything. I've added them to cards. How about trying some on a name plate? We have a new baby girl and I think I'll have to give it a try with her name.
~Nancy Grant

Michelle L. said...

Loving these primas! I think the sprites are my new favorite. How about a shadow box or other type of wall art? Primas would look great in a frame.

Cheryl KVD said...

I love those primas! I've never seen anything like them. The polka dots are the coolest! Thanks for a chance at your candy!
Cheryl Kelly-Van Domelen

Anonymous said...

I love primas, and at this point I have a very, very, small collection, so this blog candy would help!

Jen said...

Congratulations on being a guest designer at Prima!! How cool is that???

And I'd love more Primas...A couple bottles of Daisies followed me home yesterday! LOL

Unknown said...

Wow! These are so pretty! I'm in!

Scott Franson Photography said...

How about making a floral topiary with them?
Great blog, will be back often.
Claudia F.

Anonymous said...

Congrats...I can see why you were chosen, you are such a talented designer:) I love any & all Primas, especially the polka dots. I think they look so great any of the spring cards or scrapbook layouts. Spring wouldn't be spring without hundreds of flowers. Linda SS

doverdi said...

Congrats! What a pretty collection of Prima's. I just love the colors. I would use them to decorate mini books, cards, baskets, etc. The uses for these are endless.

dawnmercedes said...

wow! what a collection...I want this collection...I need this collection...

Ooooh...I'm drooling.

What about decorating a pair of little girl sunglasses with some primas? That would be sweet!

Nettie said...

Pearl, love your layout those flowers sure do accent and add to the beauty.

Idea...add some to a pair of plain flipflops to give them a bling!

I would love to play with this assortment they would make some great spring goodies.


Jackie said...

Congrats on the job miss! It sounds so exciting and to be closer to Primas is any stampers dream! Project ideas is what your looking for, well I always thought Primas would look wonderful on those never ending scrapbooks, maybe try one of those out.

Jackie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bonnie Weiss said...

Congrats on your new "designer" status...kudos to you!

I think the Prima's would be adorable, mounted on chipboard and attached to giant paper clips (seen on SCS) and then used in altered journals as an embellishment or bookmark.

Tracy.H said...

Congrats!! Very cool.

I don't think you need any help from seem to be doing just fine on your own ;0)

Love these new Primas! They look soooo yummy!!

Pegg S said...

Congrats - what blog candy! Such a great way to celebrate spring... I would love to see altered art covered with these flower - like frames, mini-albums, etc. Thanks for the chance!

Michelle said...

My sweet Pearl... things are certainly moving in the right direction for you! Can't wait to see everything you come up with next!!!!!! And as far as project ideas... CLose your eyes and look deep inside you... I am quite confident you will come up with the best project!!!
Take care Hugs, Michelle

Jackie said...

Oh my gosh, those are so gorgeous!! I'm sorry but I don't have any suggestions, but I think whatever you do with them will be awesome!

Adelina said...

Those are beautiful. I've never used Primas before, I'm new to this craft. I think they'd look great on just about anything from a card to a journal!

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous company to design for! My latest fave thing are altered plaques and frames. They would look cute glued around the corners with some crystals in the center

MarieK said...

WOW! What awesome candy you've got there!

I love the primas!

Leah said...

oh my goodness! what a girl's dream! beautiful primas!! TFS

Sari K. said...

I love these primas, and all your creations!

How about decorating a maze-book with them? Try it you'll love it!

Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog.

Unknown said...

These are amazing!! Congrats to you and thanks for sharing! I love Primas - just started hoarding . . . hmmm collecting them! :)

Kraftin' Kimmie said...

Okay first off, I'm drooling just lookin' at them!! Secondly, wonderful for you! And thirdly, so generous to give some of them away!!! Yay!

Jacqueline said...

I LOVE prima flowers! I use them on every card I make! They add a touch of elegance to a card. Usually I add just the right prima flower to the right spot when I have finished my layout... then I know - ah, the perfect touch!!

Anonymous said...

Big congrats on your success, your work is just fab so it's well deserved! And aren't those new Primas just so scrummy? : )

I can't think of anything you could do that hasn't already been suggested, but I'm sure whatever it is will be stunning!

Sharon in NE said...

I have not been bitten by the Primas "bug" yet, but this candy is really starting a serious itch!!!!

Jan Scholl said...

I thought I had seen all the Prima's but some are very new here. And enough to share too.

Anonymous said...

I have yet to add these to my collection,yet they are just beautiful!!!I believe they would be nice on a mothers day card,a coaster box,a decorated joural,a mini calender,well just about on everything!!

Leslie D. Moore said...


Maybe you can use the extra Prima's to make a "fake" flower arrangement. Mount the flowers on dowels and insert into a pretty vase.
Thanks for sharing!

Dina Kowal Creative said...

Wow, congratulations!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Lovely blog candy! I would proably use them on cards. I hope I wouldn't hoard them.

Jen said...

Congrats on the guest spot, that is so cool. I think those pretty flowers look good on ANYTHING, alterables, cards, scrap pages.........

Stampin_Melissa said...

Ohhh, Primas! I love them, but have the hardest time using! Yes, I'm a hoarder! I love the larger sizes and bright cheerful colors!

Vickie Daniel said...

Congratulations! Primas are so much fun. You can put them on anything.

Chris said...

If I knew where you lived, I would sneak in during the dead of night, snoop around your scrap area until I found those Sprites, gather then up, and then, like a thief in the night, slip out with my Sprite loot! THEY ARE ADORABLE!!! LUCKY YOU!!!!! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you! I love Primas on my cards and have seen LOTS of cool ideas.

Anonymous said...

How about an altered book as a journal?

Janet B